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Team Projects

Leadership Kenosha is a professional development program that enhances participants' knowledge of the Kenosha community, increases their opportunities for engagement and widens their professional network. An important part of the program is working in a team to complete a community project that directly benefits a Kenosha-area small business, non-profit, government agency, or K-16 educational institution. Proposals from members of the Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce are encouraged.

How does a Leadership Kenosha project benefit the project sponsor?
  • By engaging the professional skills and networks of Leadership Kenosha participants to help meet an organizational need
  • By sharing the organization’s mission with a group of aspiring community leaders
  • By connecting the organization with potential future volunteers or board members
How does a Leadership Kenosha project benefit the program participants?

Leadership Kenosha participants will learn and apply skills in:

  • Team building
  • Project management
  • Advocacy
  • Conflict management
  • Communication
  • Community organizing
Who are Leadership Kenosha participants?
  • Early to mid-career leaders who wish to enhance their leadership skills
  • Professionals from a variety of sectors including business, education, healthcare, non-profit and local government
  • Individuals who live and/or work in Kenosha and want to have a positive impact on their community
  • Professionals who are eager to use their varied skills and network of contacts to benefit your organization
What type of projects are most successful?
  • Proposals that clearly identify a community issue or need in your organization
  • Projects that articulate a clear goal but also allow some flexibility for Leadership Kenosha participants to use their personal strengths and professional connections to meet the goal
  • Projects that can reasonably be addressed by a team working an average of 8-10 hours per month between October and May
  • Successful past projects have included event planning and implementation, marketing projects, organization of a community-wide service project, and agency program

Projects must be non-partisan (not supporting a political group or candidate) and should not focus primarily on fundraising. While there is a small amount of funding from Leadership Kenosha for team projects to be used by May, your organization should have a plan for how to sustain the project.

What is the project timeline?
  • Complete and submit your proposal by August 1 for priority consideration.
  • Leadership Kenosha facilitators will review the proposals and choose projects to bring forward to the Leadership Kenosha participants. Each organization will be notified of the committee's decision by September.
  • If selected, the primary contact for the project must attend the Leadership Kenosha meeting on September 19 to meet with their Leadership Kenosha project team to discuss goals, strategies and guidelines for the Please note that this is one month earlier than previous years. At this meeting, all parties will sign a Statement of Agreement regarding the expectations and responsibilities of the sponsor organization and team members.
  • From October through May, the project sponsor will provide additional information, guidance and feedback to the Leadership Kenosha team in a timely manner.
  • Project sponsors are welcome and encouraged to attend the Leadership Kenosha graduation ceremony on May 15.

Team Project History

Team projects not only help develop and enhance skills, but they have a positive impact on the community. Here are summaries of the great projects that have been done by past Leadership Kenosha participants:

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