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Urban Rescue Solutions CPR & AED Ribbon Cutting


This afternoon, the Chamber held a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony celebrating Urban Rescue Solutions CPR & AED at Jockey International. The Ribbon Cutting took place after CPR classes that owner Scott Carter taught for Jockey employees.

Urban Rescue Solutions CPR & AED was started after the founder Scott Carter rescued a 5 year old boy that drowned in a hotel pool while on vacation with his family. Scott did CPR for over 5 minutes and there was not an AED at the hotel. Remarkably, Scott was able to revive to boy with CPR alone and the boy was released from the hospital the next day.

After this event Scott felt compelled to start a CPR business and train as many people as possible so that they will know what to do if they are confronted with this situation. He was surprised that the hotel did not have an AED because it might have been very helpful during his attempt to rescue the boy. This is why Scott has made it his mission to get as many AEDs as possible into the community. He works tirelessly working with businesses, religious groups, law enforcement agencies and schools to help them purchase their AEDs through offering the best prices possible, help with obtaining grants for AEDs and providing exceptional customer service.

Urban Rescue Solutions
(262) 203-9815

Posted on

September 28, 2023


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